A documentary series

Name: The Gabriel Foundation

Address:  1025 Acoma St

City: Denver

State: Colorado

Zip: 80204

Phone Number: (303) 629-5900

Website: http://thegabrielfoundation.org/

Email: N/A

Status: federal nonprofit

Type: Facility

Guidestar Profile Link: http://www.guidestar.org/organizations/84-1396085/gabriel-foundation.aspx

Report Generated On: Thursday, September 12, 2013, 11:00:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Company: The Gabriel Foundation
Date Completed: Friday, June 9, 2013, 3:27:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Jump to: Quarantine & Intake |  Environment  |  Diet |  Cleaning  |  Veterinary  |  Interaction  |  Adoption |  Visitors

Quarantine & Intake

Is there a separate facility for incoming birds to complete isolation?

How long is the standard quarantine procedure?
61-90 days

What medical testing is done while the bird is being quarantined?
Gram Stain, CBC, CHEM12, Gender, Other

During quarantine are the birds current diets assessed and healthier changes
made on an as needed basis?

How are cages cleaned during the quarantine period?

What protocols are in place to prevent cross contamination to the other birds?
foot baths


Are species kept separate?

What percentage of cages are of sufficient size and bar spacing for species of bird?

If not, what is the reason for smaller/larger cages?
Medical, space restrictions, comfort level

What type of perches are made available in each cage?
Swing, Natural Wood, Safety grooming perch, Ladder, Boing, Cotton Rope, Shelf, other

What percentage of toys available are clean and in good repair?

Are there foraging opportunities in the cage?

Do the birds get out of cage time? How much?
4-6 hrs

What kind of tray liners or bedding is used?


Is seed a part of the diet?

Seed: what percentage of total diet

Are pellets a part of the diet?
Yes, Harrisons, Roudybush, Lafaber

Pellets: what percentage of total diet?

Are fresh foods a part of the total diet?
Yes – various fresh fruits, veggies, leafy greens and sprouts. Greens are 50% of the diet and fruits are 10%

Are nuts a part of the total diet? If so, what types? What percent of total diet?
Yes – Almonds, walnuts

What other treats are served? How often?


How often are bowls washed and disinfected?

How often is water changed?
Every day

How often is deep cage cleaning done, and what method is used? i.e power washing
Once a week – power washing

Are air fresheners or other smell reducing agents used?
Is music routinely available to the birds?
Are birds showered or given bathing opportunities? If so, how often?
Yes – Elizabeth City location in winter twice a week, in the summer, daily
Yes – Denver location three times a week

If there are other animals on site, is access to the birds limited? How?
Cats kept in office area

Is full spectrum lighting used?

How often are floors swept/mopped?
1 x daily


Is there an avian vet on staff? If not, do you have a working relationship with a vet in your community?
Avian Vet on staff

Name of avian vet

Are birds routinely weighed? How often?
Yes, Once a month

Do birds have outside access? If yes, how often?
Outside access daily weather permitting

How are rooms/flights cooled and heated?
Natural heating/cooling, interiors are heated with radiant heaters

Is staff educated on how to assess a birds health/well-being?

Do you have a clinic or well stocked first aid station?

Do you have an incubator or similar setup for ill or injured birds?

Do you have separate refrigeration available for avian medications?

How do you store food?
Kept in fridge and freezer

Are there air filters or washers used?

Is there a system in place to indicate whether or not a bird had received its medication so there are no duplications?

Elaborate on the previous question


Are birds routinely handled?

How often are the birds handled?

Is the staff trained in proper restraint techniques?

How are birds with behavioral issues safely moved?
By experienced handler, using step up perches, and toweled as necessary


Does your facility offer adoption services?
Yes, as well as sanctuary services

Is there an established adoption protocol in place?

Please outline adoption protocols

1. A completed Adoption Application 2. Completion of Beyond Birdie Basics Class 3. Tour of facility 4. Meet the birds 5. Home visit
Is there a formal application process?
Yes – application fee (separate from adoption fee) required

Please outline the application process

Application Process – click to open

Adoption Application – click to open

Do you require home visits?

Are your adoptions limited to a specific geographical area

Adoption range
No range but birds will not be shipped

Do you require educational classes prior to adoption?
Yes – Beyond Birdie Basics, cost of $40

What is the average number of adoptions per year? From 2007-20013?
120 adoptions per year average

Do you have an established adoption contract?

Is there a return clause in your contract?

Do you have a waiting list?

How many birds on the wait list? Average amount of waiting time:
200-300 birds, year and a half wait time

What is your protocol for placement of birds not suitable as pets? Permanent resident, adoptable for the right person, or sanctuary resident
What is your after adoption return rate?  5%

How many parrots have died prior to placement?
30 since founded

How many birds have you had on intake from 2007-2013?

How many birds are currently at your facility?
1300 across 3 locations

Do you have a “hard” population limit? If so, what is it?
1300 ideally

Do you have a species in/species out policy?

Do you have an established intake criteria?

What is the highest criteria for admittance? In other words, what type of situation would cause you to go over your established population limit?
Code enforcement, law enforcement intervention, animal cruelty cases

Do you network with other rescues to take in birds that you are unable to accept? 

Will you help other rescues by taking birds they are unable to accept?

Do you utilize a foster care network?
Yes –

Will you accept a bird with a confirmed medical condition? (such as PDD, PBFD, borna, etc)

How do you individualise care for birds?
Through specific record keeping, species specific enrichment

Do you allow bonded birds to share cages?

Do you adopt bonded birds out separately?

Do you allow birds to keep favorite items from their previous homes?

What options are available to birds who do not respond well to the presence of other birds?
Socialize the birds to the others, and are set apart from the other birds and gradually integrated into communal flights and species rooms

Are the birds allowed to breed?

If allowed to breed, what is done with the resulting offspring?
No breeding, even of critically endangered birds on premises

Visitors & Volunteers

Do you have a formal education program for visitors or potential adopters?

Do you have handout information available for visitors or potential adopters?

Do you subscribe to parrot related periodicals?

Do you use a website or FB to offer educational information to the general public?

Website: http://www.thegabrielfoundation.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TheGabrielFoundation

Do you have birds that you consider educational birds that can be used for public presentations?

Is your facility open to the public?
By appointment only

What are your business days/hours?
Winter Hours:
Summer Hours:

Do you offer tours of your facility?

Tours are ————- per entry

Do you utilize volunteers?

What is the average number of volunteers per month?

Do volunteers receive training to work with birds?

Length of training period
One year

Do you have a list of volunteer safe job duties?

Do you discuss adoption, fostering, transport, etc with visitors and/or volunteers?

Are volunteers/visitors allowed to handle birds unsupervised?

Do you have paid staff?

What is your staff to bird ratio?
28 paid staff across 3 locations, staff to bird ratio not exact

Do you have a formal process of continuing education for staff?
Workshops, seminars, and regular activity with continuing education organizations

Do you have release paperwork which allows owners to identify the birds likes/dislikes/preferences?

More information: Veterinary Team | Financials | Staff | Education

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